Sunday, 11 January 2009

Ebay comes out tops again...

Its a unfortunate fact that the small, quality vintage shop is getting harder and harder to find. As prices rise and stocks dwindle, finding a great piece of vintage that isn't tacky eighties, grubby nineties or £400 is becoming more and more like hard work. Where there were once quaint market stalls run by eccentric old ladies now stands pious warehouses of Nike trainers, rotting leather bags and batwing monstrosities.

Which, I guess, is where Ebay has stepped in. Ebay can't recreate the true wonder of walking into a little shop and finding a biba dress or an ossie clark suit right there on a hanger for you to try on, but what it can do is seemingly deliver, every time. Its probably dangerous for a clothes addict like myself, but there's ALWAYS about 50 items that I just want desperately to have.

Seeing as I cant possibly buy it all I thought i'd show you some of the great stuff floating around currently. I hope someone who isn't the person who keeps outbidding me by 50p gets the pleasure out of it. Seriously, ebay makes me hate the bastard!

Here's my first ever 'Ebay-watch' post!
If you've got some pounds to spend...

Ossie Clark dresses are the creme de la creme, but forget that Ossie also designed some gorgeous shirts and you'll be missing out. With perhaps the best combination of materials to ever come out of twenthieth century textiles- Moss Crepe and Satin- on one western-style shirt, this is the kind of gift to oneself that just keeps on givin'! Detail-wise, its also a plus- covered buttons are guaranteed to make me teary eyed, and the rose embroidery on the fabulous floppy collars is a sweet touch. This little lot is currently resting on a tempting £1.64, but if the end bid doesn't see past £100 i'll eat my own arms. Still, its worth it for the label alone!


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